



[[cy:Y_Llychlynwyr]] [[da:Viking]] [[de:Wikinger]] [[en:Viking]] [[eo:Vikingoj]] [[es:Vikingo]] [[fi:Viikingit]] [[fr:Vikings]] [[he:ויקינגים]] [[io:Vikingo]] [[ko:바이킹]] [[la:Vikingus]] [[ms:Viking]] [[nds:Wikinger]] [[nl:Viking]] [[pl:Wikingowie]] [[pt:Vikings]] [[ro:Vikingi]] [[sv:Viking]]


横からすみません。背景の項目の最初の方に、「~異教時代のスカンディナビアは多妻制で出生率が高く~」という表現が御座いますが、この異教とは、具体的に何を指しているのでしょうか。また、異教とは、特定の宗教の立場から他を指すものと存じますが、中立の視点で表現すべきと考えますと気になる表現だと存じます。詳しい方に、この近辺を修正いただければ幸いです。なお、この表現は、2004-12-07 15:08:28(JST)版、この記事の事実上最初の頃からあります。その前はリダイレクトでした。以上、宜しくお願い致します。東 遥 2006年9月13日 (水) 04:55 (UTC)[返信]

Izayohiさんに、具体的な名前に修正いただきました。有難う御座います。東 遥 2006年10月10日 (火) 06:05 (UTC)[返信]


「北欧の歴史/スカンディナヴィアの歴史 」の年表(チャート)が右から左に向かって時代が新しくなるのは異様な感じがします。--以上の署名のないコメントは、Hsugawar会話投稿記録)さんが 2006年12月12日 (火) 08:15‎(UTC) に投稿したものです(Type20会話)による付記)。


修正要でしょう。-- 2007年2月12日 (月) 15:35 (UTC)  [返信]

おもしろく読めました。いい文章だと感じます。--朝顔花火 2008年11月25日 (火) 16:34 (UTC)[返信]

略奪経済 という見出しをどこかに加える[編集]



 こんな風に、「略奪経済」という名詞を、加えるとよいと、考えますが、いかがでしょうか? --朝顔花火 2008年11月25日 (火) 16:34 (UTC)[返信]


Yagimaki Mika会話2017年8月12日 (土) 05:49 (UTC)[返信]

Viking og Reiseveier og år for viktige vikingferder. Your card on the expansion of the Vikings ... (green) is false.[編集]

Look at Normandy, there is even a date: 911. Map, submitted by Toony on 21 November 2007, replaced by a drawing card, for Fraalambert January 13 2008. Which are copies of cards and Territories voyage of the Vikings, the director Bogdan Giuşcă / Wikipedia in 2005. This map incorrect (protected by copyright [sic], only a wasteland into wishes! What about the ethics of seeking always Wikipedia references), it is a recovery in crude map page 56 of the album, "The Vikings" by Michael Gibson (Editions Nathan 1977), which is a bad rehash of the sise p. 129, in "The Vikings" (editions Hatier 1966), which is a truncated map of the original English edition of "The Vikings" (Watts & Co ed. 1966), including a study of Etienne de Beaurepaire & Jean Adigard des Gautries (which you can see an excellent 34 page copy of "Heimdal" No. 1), also well reproduced in "Die Wikinger Saga," p. 30, Rudolf Pörtner, ed. Econ Verlag GmbH 1971 & 1974 Arthème Fayard, and P. 11 "Heimdal" No. 16, p. 9 No. 29, & p. 20 "Viking Normandie, ed. Copernic 1979, Jean Mabire / Georges Bernage / Paul Fichet p.90 and "The Vikings" by Maurice Gravier ed. Lidis 1984. If you are keen on history, you know that the future (High) Normandy was "sold" to the head Rollon Vikings in 911, by the French King Charles the Simple, where the Vikings had indeed conquered skillfully on the French. But what do we see? The green color, which locates, is put on the (Lower) Normandy ... So why not take the good cards in such a choice of editions? This lack of serious history, would it be a lack of knowledge on the part of editors and / or editors of Wikipedia. For it is only 924, that Raoul of Burgundy (king of France in 923/936), the successor of Robert I (922/923), himself a replacement for Charles the Simple (922 imprisoned for having "sold" Normandy Eastern stupidly called Haute-Normandie nowadays), is forced to turn to cede Normandy Western (stupidly called Lower Normandy today, disregarding that dialect Norman Bass mean "servant") to Rollon. QED! So: Remove this pseudo card, which is historically false, misleading and geographically. The (High) Normandy fortunately does not form part of the "Large" Paris. Thank you! This request is justified and will not be debated. Shortly chaut me that this card is from a truncated administrator; tors when it fades in and withdraw the pseudo card. Gwyonbach82.235.197.52 2009年6月19日 (金) 14:23 (UTC)[返信]

Dear Sir:[編集]

If you take my statement, to correct a fault on historical and geographical Normandy (my country), as an attack (although even the french site, corrected his mistake, following my intervention), free to you! But now this false card, against all logic, Wikipedia and correction of your site, do not emerge grows. It is worse blind than he who does not want to see! Thank you. Gwyonbach82.235.197.52 2009年6月19日 (金) 14:23 (UTC)[返信]

Bonjour :[編集]

Je suis Normand, et je me targue de connaître l'histoire de mon pays. Si je vous dis que la "carte" sur les invasions viking est fausse (Peu me chaut de son origine, elle est historiquement et géographiquement fausse. La Normandie orientale, dite Haute-Normandie en français, ce qui correspond aux départements de la Seine-Maritime et de l'Eure, est née historiquement en 911. La Normandie occidentale, dite Basse-Normandie en français, correspondant aux départements de l'Orne et du Calvados fut rattachée à la Normandie en 924 et le département de la Manche dite région du Cotentin en 933. Sur votre fausse carte la date et la situation géographique de la Normandie sont inversées), alors pour vous permettre de rédiger une encyclopédie sans trop d'erreurs et pour l'honneur de Wikipédia, remplacez cette fausse carte par celle du site français ou anglais, ou espagnol; mais ne laissez pas se perdurer une inexactitude, que même les sites français, israélien et anglais ont intelligemment corrigée, suite à mon intervention. Merci de corriger cette erreur!Gwyonbach 2009年7月12日 (日) 14:07 (UTC)[返信]


I'm Norman, and I am proud to know the history of my country. If I say that the "map" on the Viking invasions is false (I chaut Regardless of its origin, it is geographically and historically false. Eastern Normandy, known as Haute-Normandie in french, which corresponds to the departments of Seine - Maritime and Eure, historically was born in 911. Western Normandy, Lower Normandy said in french, corresponding to the Departments of Orne and Calvados became part of Normandy in 924 and the department of La Manche region of known Cotentin in 933. On your map the wrong date and location of Normandy are reversed), then for you to write an encyclopedia without too many errors and for the honor of Wikipedia, replace this false map by the site french or English, or Spanish, but do not let last inaccuracy is that even french sites, Israeli and English have cleverly corrected, following my intervention. Thank you for helping me correct this error!Gwyonbach 2009年7月12日 (日) 14:07 (UTC)[返信]

More Hello:[編集]

Excuse the little, but when a "correction" about canceling a justified, calling into question a wrong card on the settlement of the Vikings (Território e viagens dos Vikings), and it allows you to ignore my maintaining this map on the site, on the frieze " Peter Principle ", and I'm not hypocritical I say. So answer me, what is useful for Wikipedia, a device that amateur does not it?

I'm Norman, and I am proud to know the history of my country. If I say that the "map" on the Viking invasions is false (I chaut Regardless of its origin, it is geographically and historically false, even if from Giuşcă Bogdan, director of Hungarian Wikipedia poorly documented). Eastern Normandy, known as Haute-Normandie in french, which corresponds to the departments of Seine-Maritime and Eure, historically was born in 911. Normandy Western called Basse-Normandie in french, corresponding to the Departments of Orne and Calvados became part of Normandy in 924 and the department of Manche Cotentin region known as 933. On your map the wrong date and location of Normandy are reversed. So for you to write an encyclopedia without too many errors and for the honor of Wikipedia, replace this false map site by french or English, or Spanish, but do not let last inaccuracy is that even french sites Israeli and English have cleverly corrected, following my intervention. Thank you for correcting this error!

Write to me @ free.fr christian.warenghien and I will send you the right cards corrected by e-mail.

Best wishes!Gwyonbach 2009年7月13日 (月) 20:36 (UTC)[返信]

If you want to correct the article, you should write in Japanese.--Manuke 2009年7月21日 (火) 11:00 (UTC)[返信]


圧倒的に「バイキング」という仮名遣いが「ヴァイキング」より多く使われている(グーグルだけではんくて、一般的にもそうだと思いますが)のに、当記事には、それをいっさいに紹介していません。何かの方法で、それを追加していただけないでしょうか。Wakablogger 2009年10月6日 (火) 10:03 (UTC)[返信]

もし現在の記事名が問題とお考えでしたらWikipedia:ページの改名に従ってWikipedia:改名提案を行ってはいかがでしょうか?--Web comic 2009年10月6日 (火) 10:06 (UTC)[返信]
そんなことをするまでちょっと日本語に自信がありませんが、そのやりかたがいいのではないでしょうか。Wakablogger 2009年10月18日 (日) 05:54 (UTC)[返信]


  • >ヴァイキングの特徴であるかのごとくイメージが定着してしまったが、これは史実と反する描写である。